Lower back pain is a common ailment. It can be caused by weak abdominal muscles. Specifically, the transversus abdominus which should involuntarily contract with the multifidus along the spinal column. If the transversus is weak, or the co-contraction does not occur due to some other muscular weakness, lower back "spasms" can occur. A "spasm" can be defined as a tightening of a group of muscle that is not relieved through movement. If a muscle spasm is not treated through muscle relaxants or some other modality, scar tissue can build up which ultimately causes range of motion to decrease.
A few basic Pilates exercises can help in aiding the transversus and multifidus co-contraction for relief of lower back pain.
Prone Extension


Lay on your back and pull your abdominals in and towards your spine. Press your lower back flat into the floor and hold for 10 seconds. Release and repeat. Advance to lifting your pelvis one inch off of the mat as you pull your abdominals in. Once this can be done with no pain, begin to lift your pelvis higher, one inch at a time until you are in a full bridge.
Modified Roll Over

Lay on your back. Place your hands in a triangle shape and place them under your sacrum, just below your lower back. Press your lower back into the floor as you pull your abdominals in. Gently press upward with your hands as you lift your pelvis one inch off of the floor. Try to hold your pelvis off of the floor for one second and then slowly lower back down to the floor. Advance to lifting and holding for two seconds and slowly lower, three seconds, etc.